February 9, 2024
Sarah Netley, Francesca Loreto
Creating a will is a topic most of us would rather ignore, but this is one of the most important steps you will ever take. With that in mind, we’re sharing some essential perspective.
January 26, 2024
Ryan Kitchen
The work of grain producers is very cyclical. You could have a good year, followed by a not‑so‑good year, followed by a really great year, followed by a disaster year. Over time, this might even out, but what happens when you have a number of good years in a row?
January 23, 2024
Riccardo Zerbino
Until recently, trusts had to file a tax return within 90 days of the trust’s year end, but there were some exceptions. If you didn’t earn income, dispose of capital property or make distributions of income or capital in a year, you were generally not required to file an annual return.
January 12, 2024
Sarah Netley, Francesca Loreto
In the new episode of From the Source, Frankie and Sarah continue exploring the tax implications of charitable giving, comparing gifts made during your lifetime with those outlined in your will.
December 21, 2023
Shannon McIntosh, Manager
Welcome back to The Bright Side for the last blog post of 2023. Is it just me or did this year fly by? For this edition, we’re going to look back at the year and all the challenges that were overcame and provide some strategies to plan for 2024.
December 18, 2023
Bud Arnold
When purchasing a farm, sometimes the property includes a house for the farm family to use as their primary residence. Families in this position often overlook the tax complications of buying a farmhouse that is part of their farm property, but how they decide to hold that farmhouse could significantly impact their tax obligations. This article outlines several farm business structures and the farmhouse tax obligations in each case.
December 15, 2023
Sarah Netley, Francesca Loreto
It’s the holiday season, a time of giving, so we’re jumping back into our conversation about estate planning with today’s focus on charitable giving.
December 6, 2023
Luther VanGilst
When the immediate expensing rules were introduced in 2021, they allowed incorporated businesses to start fully expensing purchases, claiming up to $1.5 million in tax depreciation on eligible property acquired annually. This applies to a broad range of purchases, including tractors, combines, planters, cultivators and processing equipment – almost everything in a farm context except buildings, paving and quota – but corporations will no longer be able to access this opportunity in 2024.
November 30, 2023
Shannon McIntosh, Manager
In this edition of The Bright Side, we focus on a particularly important topic for small business owners – how to best compensate yourself for the work you do.
November 29, 2023
Thomas Blonde
Given the all-consuming complexity of any farm business, it’s not uncommon for farmers to overlook the importance of retirement planning. The constant need to reinvest in these businesses means there’s rarely a good time to think about saving for the future.
November 15, 2023
Brenda Scott
Technology is evolving so fast. Some might say that’s exhilarating, while others might see it as exhausting. With Artificial Intelligence (AI) being integrated into businesses at an unprecedented rate, it’s easy for a company to feel out of shape as it tries to keep up with technology trends, in order to remain current and competitive.
November 14, 2023
Craig Hoover
If you’re an agri‑food processor or manufacturer, there are a number of valuable government incentives available to your business. However, to access these programs, you will need to navigate a complex web of requirements.
November 9, 2023
Sarah Netley, Francesca Loreto
As a business owner, it’s important to have a strategy in place to protect your assets from potential creditors. Several instances can arise that put your business assets at risk – the most common being a lawsuit.
October 26, 2023
Shannon McIntosh, Manager
In this edition of The Bright Side, we focus on a particularly important topic for small business owners – how to best compensate yourself for the work you do.
September 25, 2023
Shannon McIntosh, Manager
Welcome to the new edition of The Bright Side with Shannon McIntosh. This month, I interviewed two Baker Tilly Catalyst clients, sisters Jodi Willoughby and Carolyne McIntyre-Jackson, who turned their dream of a bakery into the successful business Crave Cookies and Cupcakes. Let’s dive into how it all started, the hurdles they’ve overcome and more.
September 18, 2023
Sarah Netley, Francesca Loreto
While thinking about what happens when you pass away can be an emotional and challenging exercise, putting a plan in place can give you peace of mind by knowing that your estate plan will meet the goals that are important to you and your loved ones. This two‑part podcast will help you better understand why planning ahead is important and how to get started.
September 1, 2023
Shannon McIntosh, Manager
Welcome back to The Bright Side! This month’s blog post explores the evolving state of cloud accounting and all the positive ways businesses that migrate to the cloud can benefit from this shift, including new access to efficiencies and savings. All the time and money you devote to data entry could be eliminated almost overnight with a shift toward automation, and significant new possibilities are emerging with each passing month. Cloud accounting ultimately frees business owners to focus more on what they do best. If you’re not sure cloud accounting is right for you, allow me to explore The Bright Side.
July 19, 2023
Sarah Netley, Francesca Loreto
This episode concludes our miniseries for owner‑managed businesses, so if you haven’t heard parts 1‑3, we recommend you check those out!
June 27, 2023
Shannon McIntosh, Manager
Welcome to this month’s edition of The Bright Side. This time around, we’re diving into key aspects of taking your business to the next level as a new entrepreneur. These include how much to charge your clients, how to set and achieve big business goals and building strong client relationships.
June 12, 2023
Sarah Netley, Francesca Loreto
Maximizing your business valuation doesn’t have to be a mystery.