
Our Professionals in Collingwood

Our professionals in Collingwood

Ralph Neate, B.Sc., CPA, CA, TEP


Ralph has been a partner since 2007 and with the firm since 2003.  He has over 25 years of experience in public practice and in industry.  Ralph graduated from the University of Waterloo in 1990 with a Bachelor of Science and from Wilfrid Laurier University in 1991 with a Diploma in Accounting.  He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1994, has completed the CICA In-depth tax course parts 1-3 and the CICA In-depth corporation reorganizations course. He has his Registered Trust and Estate Practitioner designation and is a member of the US Professionals Association (for Cross Border US tax practitioners).

Ralph is the Collingwood’s office tax partner and his practice area includes accounting, audit and taxation services for a variety of clients with a particular focus on taxation for owner managers, investment companies, and estates and trusts.  He also directs the office’s delivery of cross border, non-resident and international tax services.

Ralph is currently the treasurer of Manito #90 Masonic Lodge and the secretary of Manitou Chapter #27.  In the past he has served the Collingwood Yacht Club as the treasurer, Collingwood Sailing School as managing director,  Theatre Collingwood as treasurer and the 3rd Collingwood Scout group as a leader.

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